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Maya Hawke Speaks Out Against Supreme

Merz dreht durch: „Falsche Aussagen“ sollen bestraft werden

Upload : 1 day ago...

2025-03-29 16:16 36,967 Youtube

#Kickl: «Ich wundere mich, dass Frau von der #Leyen noch auf freiem Fuss ist»

Upload : 2 days ago...

2025-03-28 00:52 3,748 Youtube

DACA recipient speaks out against Supreme Court decision

DACA recipient speaks out against Supreme Court decision...

2020-06-19 05:46 107 Dailymotion

Chiellini speaks out against racism

Italy's Giorgio Chiellini says that racist chanting from fans in his country is intolerable....

2013-05-29 01:27 45 Dailymotion

Singhs Speaks Out Against Jathedar


2015-07-01 01:10 731 Dailymotion

Bonhoeffer Speaks Out Against Hitler

Bonhoeffer Speaks Out Against Hitler...

2015-07-26 05:21 2 Dailymotion

Ryan Speaks Out Against Russia

A long-simmering rift between Speaker Paul Ryan and President Donald Trump’s top Hill allies is starting to boil over as both sides fight over an eff...

2018-07-18 00:56 1 Dailymotion